Meet the Garlic


Asian Tempest

Hardneck Asiatic Variety

Origin: South Korea

Hot when raw, mellow and flavorful when cooked

Chinese Pink

Hardneck Turban Variety

Origin: China

Mellow flavor, large gorgeous cloves under white wrappers

Killarney Red

Hardneck Rocambole Variety

Origin: Idaho

Strong, hot, and spicy, stores well for a rocambole

Montana Giant

Hardneck Porcelain Variety

Origin: Montana

Rich,full flavored, not too hot, perfect for eating raw or roasting


Hardneck Purple Stripe Variety

Origin: Asia

Smaller bulbs that really pack a punch, excellent in spicy asian dishes, shorter storing but well worth it if you want a garlic to remember

Blanco Piacenza

Softneck Artichoke Variety

Origin: Northern Italy

Nice heat, pleasant almost fruity flavor, smooth aftertaste

German White

Hardneck Porcelain Variety

Origin: Germany

One of the largest bulbs, rich flavor, mellow when cooked, perfect for roasting

Korean Red

Hardneck Asiatic Variety

Origin: Korea

Hot, spicy and rich, a very popular variety

Red Janice

Harneck Turban Variety

Origin: Republic of Georgia

Musky and pungent raw, sweet and spicy when baked


Hardneck Turban Variety

Origin: China

Large cloves with beautiful wrappers, great for roasting and any dish that you desire a strong, clean, sharp flavor

China Stripe

Hardneck Turban Variety

Origin: China

One of the most attractive bulbs, hot when raw, very flavorful

Inchelium Red

Softneck Artichoke Variety

Origin: Washington State

Mild flavor with a touch of zing, long storing bulbs

Kostyn’s Red

Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Variety

Origin: British Columbia, most likely a cousin of Russian Red

The chief garlic wrangler’s favorite variety, big smooth taste, little aftertaste


Hardneck Marbled Purple Stripe Variety

Origin: Eastern Europe

Mild, perfect garlic flavor when cooked, one of our best sellers